“When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You are talking anti-Semitism.” - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. [ from “The Socialism of Fools: The Left, the Jews and Israel” by Seymour Martin Lipset; in Encounter magazine, December 1969, p. 24. ]
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Where is Gilad Shalit?
A few weeks ago, Israel released 20 females prisoners (prison officials said these women were at the end of their prison sentences and no longer a threat) in exchange for a video showing Gilad Shalit alive and well:
However, one video that wasn't shown involving Gilad Shalit shows, if anything, that Hamas and other terrorist organizations plan on using this technique of kidnapping Israeli soldiers to get what they want, as shown in this disturbing video, broadcast on April 21, 2009 on Hamas Television:
However, one video that wasn't shown involving Gilad Shalit shows, if anything, that Hamas and other terrorist organizations plan on using this technique of kidnapping Israeli soldiers to get what they want, as shown in this disturbing video, broadcast on April 21, 2009 on Hamas Television:
Thursday, October 8, 2009
The Goldstone Report and the latest blood libel against the Jewish State
Israel's most recent defensive measures in Gaza against Hamas have been deemed a violation of human rights, according to the Goldstone report. The report has been used by Israel bashers left and right as an "independent resource" from a Jewish person (Richard Goldstone, the head of the committee) as proof of "Israeli aggression" against Palestinians. Here are some of the other remarks at a recent meeting of the UN Human Rights Council. Take note not just on the remarks themselves, but also of who is saying it. You will also here from Ms. Anne Bayefsky, director of the Touro Institute of Human Rights and the Holocaust and the Hudson Institute:
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Swastika painted outside Congressman's Office

Each summer brings it own "flavor." Last summer, we had the 2008 Presidential campaigns. This summer, it's about Healthcare reform. Now, I'm not going to give any opinion on health care reform, but in recent days things have been getting out of hand. Take for example the case of Rep. David Scott (D-GA 13th), whose office in Georgia found a Swastika was painted outside his office. His staff called the police and Capitol Police in Washington, DC have been notified of the incident and continue to beef up security as the protests get louder and, to some extent, more violent. Rep. Scott also said that he's been getting hate mail which uses the "n word" and makes claims that President Obama is a Marxist.
While I will not give an opinion on healthcare reform or on President Obama, going to calling them critics racial slurs and swastikas, something clearly has gone too far. So if you want to be critical, be critical, but don't allow yourself to fall into that trap of racism and bigotry. Stick to the politics.
n word,
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
"Durban II" more of the same old anti-Semitism
For those of you who have not had the chance to review the coverage of what is known as in its slang as "Durban II," essentially the conference was more of the same as the previous Durban conference in 2001 with a new twist, a major world leader was given a stage, and this time the world knew what he was going to say. What occured part of the way through the speech was something unique and a strong commentary on what those in the West think of this particular world leader:
And in case you thought nothing else could go wrong, think again. Elie Weisel, a Holocaust Survivor and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, was taunted with cries of "ZioNazi" as well as being called a racist:
Finally, if the absurdity of a conference validating the "findings" of the previous Durban conference (the baseless accusation of Israel as "racist and apartheid" state as well as other attacks on Israel as being the worst violator of Human Right, etc), this exchange with a Palestinian who was tortured by Qaddafi regime tries to speak out and the Libya, the country that was chosen to be the head of the committee that planned this years conference, silences him and the crimes committed against him:
In the end, what will the legacy of this years Durban conference be? I believe Ms. Anne Bayefsky, senior fellow of the Hudson Institute and founder of "Eye On The UN," said it best in her comments to the Durban II conference:
And in case you thought nothing else could go wrong, think again. Elie Weisel, a Holocaust Survivor and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, was taunted with cries of "ZioNazi" as well as being called a racist:
Finally, if the absurdity of a conference validating the "findings" of the previous Durban conference (the baseless accusation of Israel as "racist and apartheid" state as well as other attacks on Israel as being the worst violator of Human Right, etc), this exchange with a Palestinian who was tortured by Qaddafi regime tries to speak out and the Libya, the country that was chosen to be the head of the committee that planned this years conference, silences him and the crimes committed against him:
In the end, what will the legacy of this years Durban conference be? I believe Ms. Anne Bayefsky, senior fellow of the Hudson Institute and founder of "Eye On The UN," said it best in her comments to the Durban II conference:
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Yom HaShoah/Holocaust Rememberance Day 2009
Today, the Jewish community around the world remembers the 6,000,000 of its brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, cousins, nephews, and friends who perished in the horrors of the Holocaust. Holocaust Remembrance Day (or Yom HaShoah in Hebrew) was established by the State of Israel and is commemorated with two major events. One is a formal ceremony at Yad Vashem, the other is at 10AM Israel time when a siren is sounded and the whole country stops for a moment to remember those who perished in the Holocaust.
In 2003, a special ceremony was done at Auschwitz culminating in a flyover by the Israeli Air Force (IAF)
In 2003, a special ceremony was done at Auschwitz culminating in a flyover by the Israeli Air Force (IAF)
"We will not let the Holocaust deniers perpetrate another holocaust on the Jewish people."
- Prime Minister Benjamin NetanyahuWednesday, April 8, 2009
A Passover message from the Anti-Semitism Report
Dear Readers,
Tonight, the Jewish people around the world will be participating in a week long ceremony called Passover (or Pesach in Hebrew). The holiday is in commemoration of the Exodus from Egypt and with this holiday come even stronger rules than those of only Kosher. Jewish people, during this time (the evening of April 8 - evening of April 16th) cannot each any leaven products because just like the Jews who couldn't even eat any bread during the Exodus, so too we will eat the Matzos thay they made. However, as with other Jewish holidays, Anti-Semitism rears its ugly head. Here below are some of the few modern day examples that center around something called the blood libel, an accusation that stems from roughly 1st Century.
However, the accusations shown above from Arab TV (as well as other accusations of blood libels made in other forms (see The Canterbury Tales) does not tell the story of Passover. To end on a more upbeat note, here is a short song telling the story of Passover (tagline: According to Wikipedia!), enjoy and Chag Samayach/Happy Holiday!
Tonight, the Jewish people around the world will be participating in a week long ceremony called Passover (or Pesach in Hebrew). The holiday is in commemoration of the Exodus from Egypt and with this holiday come even stronger rules than those of only Kosher. Jewish people, during this time (the evening of April 8 - evening of April 16th) cannot each any leaven products because just like the Jews who couldn't even eat any bread during the Exodus, so too we will eat the Matzos thay they made. However, as with other Jewish holidays, Anti-Semitism rears its ugly head. Here below are some of the few modern day examples that center around something called the blood libel, an accusation that stems from roughly 1st Century.
However, the accusations shown above from Arab TV (as well as other accusations of blood libels made in other forms (see The Canterbury Tales) does not tell the story of Passover. To end on a more upbeat note, here is a short song telling the story of Passover (tagline: According to Wikipedia!), enjoy and Chag Samayach/Happy Holiday!
Arab Media,
Monday, March 23, 2009
Anti-Semitism gets no punishment for Canadian Politician
Anti-Semitism is a worldwide disease. It spreads its wings and corrupts the minds of all people, no matter what religion, creed, race, or nationality one may be. Six years ago, David Ahenakew, a Canadian politician made a series of anti-Semitic remarks, blaming the Jews for WWII and for, along with the United States (with then President George W. Bush) and Israel, creating the chance of WWIII as well as for controlling the media. He also said when asked if the Holocaust was justifiable, he responded "The Jews damn near owned all of Germany prior to the war. ... That's how Hitler came in. He was going to make damn sure that the Jews didn't take over Germany or Europe. That's why he fried six million of those guys, you know. Jews would have owned the goddamned world. And look what they're doing. They're killing people in Arab countries." He also added "How do you get rid of a disease like that, that's going to take over, that's going to dominate?" He was charged by Canadian officials for spreading hatred. He was convincted and fined $1,000.
Then, in 2006, Justice Robert Laing of the Saskatchewan Court of Queen's Bench overturned the decision on the grounds that the law stipulates that the person saying it has to have done it willingly, and that this tirade was a result of his anger while being interviewed by a reporter. The judge ordered a second trial. Then, roughly an hour ago (as of 3:20PM EST), the judge ordered that no more trials for Mr. Ahenakew and that the decision was final. No punishment, no fine, nothing.
So in other words, he blames the Jews for WWII, blames them for trying to create WWIII, ethnic genocide against the Arabs, that Jews control the media and he is a politician who said this to a reporter but the justice system decided that on a technicallity, nothing else happens to him? My suggestion for Mr. Ahenakew is to take a lesson from Judge Hatchett and how she dealt with a similar issue.
Then, in 2006, Justice Robert Laing of the Saskatchewan Court of Queen's Bench overturned the decision on the grounds that the law stipulates that the person saying it has to have done it willingly, and that this tirade was a result of his anger while being interviewed by a reporter. The judge ordered a second trial. Then, roughly an hour ago (as of 3:20PM EST), the judge ordered that no more trials for Mr. Ahenakew and that the decision was final. No punishment, no fine, nothing.
So in other words, he blames the Jews for WWII, blames them for trying to create WWIII, ethnic genocide against the Arabs, that Jews control the media and he is a politician who said this to a reporter but the justice system decided that on a technicallity, nothing else happens to him? My suggestion for Mr. Ahenakew is to take a lesson from Judge Hatchett and how she dealt with a similar issue.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Please Donate to the Anti-Semitism Report
Dear Loyal Readers,
I first want to apologize for not writing anything recently. I am a student and have been working hard on various college work and will be picking it up as often as I can. However, I can say that I am working on various projects which include:
I first want to apologize for not writing anything recently. I am a student and have been working hard on various college work and will be picking it up as often as I can. However, I can say that I am working on various projects which include:
- Book reviews
- A video report on Anti-Semitism in Venezuala
Video Camera,
Video Editing Software
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
In Case You Didn't Know: Europian Anti-Semitism Is Strong
Survey: European Anti-Semitism strong
By PAUL HAVEN – 6 hours ago
MADRID (AP) — The Anti-Defamation League said Tuesday that a survey it commissioned found nearly a third of Europeans polled blame Jews for the global economic meltdown and that a greater number think Jews have too much power in the business world.
The organization, which says its aim is "to stop the defamation of Jewish people and secure justice and fair treatment to all," says the seven-nation survey confirms that anti-Semitism remains strong.
The poll included interviews with 3,500 people — 500 each in Austria, Britain, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Spain.
It says that in Spain, 74 percent of those asked say they feel it is "probably true" that Jews hold too much sway over the global financial markets. That is the highest percentage in the survey.
Nearly two-thirds of Spanish respondents said Jews were more loyal to Israel than they were to their home countries.
"This poll confirms that anti-Semitism remains alive and well in the minds of many Europeans," said Abraham H. Foxman, the ADL's national director in America. "Clearly, age old anti-Semitic stereotypes die hard."
Foxman said the study's findings were "particularly worrisome" in light of the anger spawned by the global economic meltdown, and following a number of violent acts against Jews or Jewish property after Israel's military action in the Gaza Strip.
Around Europe, several attacks have been reported against Jews and synagogues in France, Sweden and Britain since the Israeli offensive began in late December. Some Gaza protests in Europe have included the use of Nazi imagery, including signs and slogans comparing Israeli soldiers to German troops, the Gaza Strip to the Auschwitz death camp and the Jewish Star of David to the Nazi swastika.
Britain consistently registered the lowest levels of anti-Jewish sentiment, and numbers there have fallen from a similar survey conducted in 2007. Austria also registered a slight drop in the level of anti-Semitism, while in other countries anti-Semitic sentiment either remained the same or deepened, the survey indicated.
Poland's chief rabbi, Michael Schudrich, who saw the survey before it was published, said he has not seen any rise in anti-Semitism in Poland since the global financial crisis has unfolded. He said an unacceptable level of anti-Jewish sentiment still exists in Poland, but that it is no worse than in other European countries.
The survey showed Polish responses registered a slight rise in all but one area. On the question whether it was "probably true" Jews have too much power in international financial markets, the level was unchanged from 2007.
The survey, conducted by First International Resources Dec. 1, 2008 through Jan. 13, 2009, included interviews with 3,500 people — 500 each in Austria, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Spain. The margin of error for each country was plus or minus 4 percent.
In total, about 40 percent of those questioned said Jews have too much power in the business world, including more than half of Hungarian, Spanish and Polish respondents. And 44 percent said they believe it is "probably true" that Jews still talk too much about the Holocaust.
By PAUL HAVEN – 6 hours ago
MADRID (AP) — The Anti-Defamation League said Tuesday that a survey it commissioned found nearly a third of Europeans polled blame Jews for the global economic meltdown and that a greater number think Jews have too much power in the business world.
The organization, which says its aim is "to stop the defamation of Jewish people and secure justice and fair treatment to all," says the seven-nation survey confirms that anti-Semitism remains strong.
The poll included interviews with 3,500 people — 500 each in Austria, Britain, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Spain.
It says that in Spain, 74 percent of those asked say they feel it is "probably true" that Jews hold too much sway over the global financial markets. That is the highest percentage in the survey.
Nearly two-thirds of Spanish respondents said Jews were more loyal to Israel than they were to their home countries.
"This poll confirms that anti-Semitism remains alive and well in the minds of many Europeans," said Abraham H. Foxman, the ADL's national director in America. "Clearly, age old anti-Semitic stereotypes die hard."
Foxman said the study's findings were "particularly worrisome" in light of the anger spawned by the global economic meltdown, and following a number of violent acts against Jews or Jewish property after Israel's military action in the Gaza Strip.
Around Europe, several attacks have been reported against Jews and synagogues in France, Sweden and Britain since the Israeli offensive began in late December. Some Gaza protests in Europe have included the use of Nazi imagery, including signs and slogans comparing Israeli soldiers to German troops, the Gaza Strip to the Auschwitz death camp and the Jewish Star of David to the Nazi swastika.
Britain consistently registered the lowest levels of anti-Jewish sentiment, and numbers there have fallen from a similar survey conducted in 2007. Austria also registered a slight drop in the level of anti-Semitism, while in other countries anti-Semitic sentiment either remained the same or deepened, the survey indicated.
Poland's chief rabbi, Michael Schudrich, who saw the survey before it was published, said he has not seen any rise in anti-Semitism in Poland since the global financial crisis has unfolded. He said an unacceptable level of anti-Jewish sentiment still exists in Poland, but that it is no worse than in other European countries.
The survey showed Polish responses registered a slight rise in all but one area. On the question whether it was "probably true" Jews have too much power in international financial markets, the level was unchanged from 2007.
The survey, conducted by First International Resources Dec. 1, 2008 through Jan. 13, 2009, included interviews with 3,500 people — 500 each in Austria, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Spain. The margin of error for each country was plus or minus 4 percent.
In total, about 40 percent of those questioned said Jews have too much power in the business world, including more than half of Hungarian, Spanish and Polish respondents. And 44 percent said they believe it is "probably true" that Jews still talk too much about the Holocaust.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Anti Semitism in rallies advertised as "Pro-Palestinian" or "Anti-War"
In what was and still is the case, rallies advertised as "Pro-Palestinian" or "Anti-Israel," turn out to be more anti-Semitic than caring about the plight of the Palestinians.
Here is a photo from a "pro-Palestinian" rally in San Francisco on Jan. 9:

The following video was put out by Steve Emerson and The Investigative Project on Terrorism about these "protests."
Here is a photo from a "pro-Palestinian" rally in San Francisco on Jan. 9:
The following video was put out by Steve Emerson and The Investigative Project on Terrorism about these "protests."
Israeli-Palestinian Conflict,
Steve Emerson,
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Hamas Inflated Number of Dead
According to various sources, mainly the Jerusalem Post and ynetnews, which quotes an Italian newspaper, claims from various Palestinians and one Palestinian doctor that the number dead is around 500-600 maximum and, as this unnamed Palestinian doctor says "Most of them are youths between the ages of 17 to 23 who were recruited to the ranks of Hamas, who sent them to the slaughter." Within this report is further evidence of Hamas using the civilian population as human shields. From the Jerusalem Post, "One Gazan recalled civilians in Gaza shouting at Hamas and Islamic Jihad men, 'Go away, go away from here! Do you want the Israelis to kill us all? Do you want our children to die under their bombs? Take your guns and missiles with you.'
'Traitors, collaborators with Israel, spies of Fatah, cowards! The soldiers of the holy war will punish you. And in any case you will all die, like us. Fighting the Zionist Jews we are all destined for paradise. Do you not wish to die with us?' the religious fanatics of Hamas reportedly responded." It is also noted in this report that Hamas fighters dressed up as paramedics and driving hospitals. One Palestinian reported that she saw Hamas firing rockets in and on top of UN buildings. Another Palestinian told the reporter "Armed Hamas men sought out a good position for provoking the Israelis. There were mostly teenagers, aged 16 or 17, and armed. They couldn't do a thing against a tank or a jet. They knew they are much weaker, but they fired at our houses so that they could blame Israel for war crimes."
When this Italian reporter talked with Palestinian reporters about the fighting and these inflated numbers, they said that this would be similar to what happened in Jenin when "there was first talk of 1,500 deaths. But then it turned out that there were only 54, 45 of which were armed men."
Here is a link of the original story translated into English from the original Italian.
'Traitors, collaborators with Israel, spies of Fatah, cowards! The soldiers of the holy war will punish you. And in any case you will all die, like us. Fighting the Zionist Jews we are all destined for paradise. Do you not wish to die with us?' the religious fanatics of Hamas reportedly responded." It is also noted in this report that Hamas fighters dressed up as paramedics and driving hospitals. One Palestinian reported that she saw Hamas firing rockets in and on top of UN buildings. Another Palestinian told the reporter "Armed Hamas men sought out a good position for provoking the Israelis. There were mostly teenagers, aged 16 or 17, and armed. They couldn't do a thing against a tank or a jet. They knew they are much weaker, but they fired at our houses so that they could blame Israel for war crimes."
When this Italian reporter talked with Palestinian reporters about the fighting and these inflated numbers, they said that this would be similar to what happened in Jenin when "there was first talk of 1,500 deaths. But then it turned out that there were only 54, 45 of which were armed men."
Here is a link of the original story translated into English from the original Italian.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Dr. Martin Luther King and Israel
As one can tell, this writer's opinions are in part shaped by the words and work of Dr. King. When he was killed in 1968, it was a shock to this nation and to the world. However, some people will be surprised to see this video of Dr. King and his support of Israel.
Civil Rights,
Dr. Martin Luther King,
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Human Rights for some, but not all?
Ever since Israel began it's defensive measures against Hamas in Gaza on Dec. 27, 2008, the world outcry has been not on the citizens of Southern Israel, who have had over 8,200 rockets being fired at them by Hamas, but for the some 1,200 killed in Gaza, over half of them being Hamas terrorists. Now, if you believe the media such as BBC, CNN International, and various Human Rights groups and protests, you'd think Israel is committing mass murder!
These are some very serious charges against Israel and I hope to show you some videos that I hope that you will watch not only to the end, but will see what is really going as as oppose to what your being led to believe.
Video #1: What do the children of Hamas learn?
Video #2: Hamas in Their Own Words
Video #3: Sderot, it's citzens, and life in Sderot.
Video #4 &5: UN Human Rights Council and Anti-Semitism
Video #6: Weapons hidden inside a home in Gaza
Video #7 & 8: Professor of International Law and Resident of Sderot at the UN
So in the end, is hiding behind mothers, children, UN compounds, hospitals, and other public institutions ok with the UN but Israel defending itself is not?
These are some very serious charges against Israel and I hope to show you some videos that I hope that you will watch not only to the end, but will see what is really going as as oppose to what your being led to believe.
Video #1: What do the children of Hamas learn?
Video #2: Hamas in Their Own Words
Video #3: Sderot, it's citzens, and life in Sderot.
Video #4 &5: UN Human Rights Council and Anti-Semitism
Video #6: Weapons hidden inside a home in Gaza
Video #7 & 8: Professor of International Law and Resident of Sderot at the UN
So in the end, is hiding behind mothers, children, UN compounds, hospitals, and other public institutions ok with the UN but Israel defending itself is not?
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Leaders on Israel's Defensive Measures against Hamas
President-Elect Barack Obama
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg
Next President of the European Union, Czech Republic's Karel Schwarzenberg:
Israel's actions are defensive, not offensive!
Countries such as Egypt and Jordan have not publicly come out against this is because these two Arab countries probably support Israel because they both have a common enemy, Hamas.
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg
Next President of the European Union, Czech Republic's Karel Schwarzenberg:
Israel's actions are defensive, not offensive!
Countries such as Egypt and Jordan have not publicly come out against this is because these two Arab countries probably support Israel because they both have a common enemy, Hamas.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
What caused the current "Hamas War?"
On December 27 Israel launched a defensive action against Hamas titled Operation: Cast Lead. One of the many questions being asked is why such actions need to occur?
On December 19, a six month cease-fire between Hamas and Israel ended and almost immediately, rockets fell in southern Israel including over 80 in one day! After 8 years of rockets (since 2001) being fired on the residents of such cities as Ashkelon and Sderot, no other choice was left for Israel but to begin it's defensive measures against Hamas. Don't believe me? Consider the following evidence, captured by the Israeli Air Force:
Now how does Israel respond to such actions? Until recently it hasn't. It also doesn't "return fire" because doing so endangers the lives of innocent children and other civilians in the areas. This is the case with almost all the rockets being fired from Gaza, being fired within civilian populations making it nearly impossible to return fire unless it kills innocent civilians!
Now, what about those videos of mass explosions after Israel bombs a location? In the video below, Israel fires a rocket at a mosque believed to be a holding place for weapons by Hamas. When Israel fires a rocket you'll see the normal explosion followed by the 2nd explosion which is from the hidden weapons.
Now, as one Palestinian supporter told me that the rockets being fired into Israel by Hamas were "silly little things." Here is a presentation from Noam Bedein of Sderot Media Center about the situation in the southern part of Israel:
So, in the end who is to blame? I'll let this girl in Gaza answer:
I look forward to your comments and responses.
On December 19, a six month cease-fire between Hamas and Israel ended and almost immediately, rockets fell in southern Israel including over 80 in one day! After 8 years of rockets (since 2001) being fired on the residents of such cities as Ashkelon and Sderot, no other choice was left for Israel but to begin it's defensive measures against Hamas. Don't believe me? Consider the following evidence, captured by the Israeli Air Force:
Now how does Israel respond to such actions? Until recently it hasn't. It also doesn't "return fire" because doing so endangers the lives of innocent children and other civilians in the areas. This is the case with almost all the rockets being fired from Gaza, being fired within civilian populations making it nearly impossible to return fire unless it kills innocent civilians!
Now, what about those videos of mass explosions after Israel bombs a location? In the video below, Israel fires a rocket at a mosque believed to be a holding place for weapons by Hamas. When Israel fires a rocket you'll see the normal explosion followed by the 2nd explosion which is from the hidden weapons.
Now, as one Palestinian supporter told me that the rockets being fired into Israel by Hamas were "silly little things." Here is a presentation from Noam Bedein of Sderot Media Center about the situation in the southern part of Israel:
So, in the end who is to blame? I'll let this girl in Gaza answer:
I look forward to your comments and responses.
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